UFSC Library System consists of a Central Library, 10 branch libraries and one reading room, with technical and administrative centralization.
The Central Library (BC) is a unit that meets information demands and aims at supporting the university community in its teaching, research and outreach activities. It is divided into:
The branch libraries are units that meet specific information demands from a particular school or campus, aiming at supporting the respective university community in its teaching, research and outreach activities.
UFSC branch libraries are:
- Colégio de Aplicação [Laboratory School] Library (BSCA)
- School of Agricultural Sciences Library (BSCCA)
- School of Education Library (BSCED)
- School of Health Sciences Library – Medicine (BSCCSM)
- School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Library (BSCFM)
- School of Law Library (BSCCJ)
- Araranguá Campus Library (BSARA)
- Blumenau Campus Library (BSBLU)
- Curitibanos Campus Library (BSCUR)
- Joinville Campus Library (BSJOI)
In addition to the branch libraries, the Curitibanos Reading Room (SLCUR) provides information services for the university community on the Curitibanos Campus (rural sciences).